Monday, April 23, 2012

Be Mindful. Be Present. Be Happy.

What does one do when unemployed?  For some, they may get stressed, worried, frantic...but for me, I bloody well will enjoy it!

Yes, I am looking for work but I also know what I want in a job.  Or perhaps it is that I know what I don't want as well.  I am being picky when selecting which organizations and roles I apply for so that leaves me currently being sans work.  If I need to work in a cafe for awhile, I absolutely will.  But in the meantime, I am honestly in one of the most wicked cities I have ever visited and I am going to live it up to the fullest.

The past month has been full of friends, food (and so much cheeeeese), bikes, swimming, wine and heaps (yes, I am speaking Aussie these days) of inspiration!  If there is anything I have learned since India, it is always to surround myself with positive people.  Positive energy is contagious but negative energy can have effects as well.  I try to turn the negative into positive but sometimes it just drains my own spirit.  Therefore, I have sought out those people that are naturally upbeat, that make me laugh, that spark my creativity, and those that I can just be my (very open) self around.  As a result, the past few weeks have been dinner parties, comedy shows, bike rides, swimming lessons, painting, yoga-ing, dancing in the streets, and just a whole lot of laughs.  Thank you to the awesome people I have met!

And now, I have been asked why am not teaching yoga right now - isn't that what I set out to do?  The answer is simple: I am still developing my own practice.  While I felt so much passion and love teaching my classes at my training, I personally want to learn and develop more.  I read an article the other day about the best jobs for people who love to travel.  A yoga instructor was on it.  The pro is that the demand is high but the con is that so are the number of inexperienced teachers entering the yoga world.  I will agree with that.  To me, yoga is not just about teaching a class; it is about teaching and inspiring a way of life.  While I am confident that I could teach a killer Baptiste-inspired class (thanks to the wonderful teachings of my yoga teacher, Brenda), I would not feel right without the appropriate training and a lot more knowledge. I am eager to take more courses on various styles and anatomy/physiology but of course this is going to take time and it will be something I work on over the next few years.  But while I am not actually teaching asana classes, I sometimes feel that I am sharing a yogic way of life anyway.  It's about taking the energy off of my mat into my daily life and if once a day I can inspire, spread a little peace, or make someone smile, then I have achieved what I have set out to do.

"The future depends on what we do in the present."  ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Emma, Jason and I.  The three of us met in Dublin three years ago and here we all are again in Melbourne celebrating St. Paddy's and both Em and Jason's birthdays again.  This just shows how amazing travelling is. You can meet people from all over the world and it doesn't matter how much time has passed but you have that one city or that one adventure in common - and you are friends for life.

Easter Sunday.  Myself, Alex, Pants, Belle and Karen.  Belle cooked us an amazing dinner!  Being of Ukrainian heritage, I wanted to contribute some traditional dishes that my family always enjoys at Easter time; however, my Paska (a sweet bread centerpiece) did not turn out!  I tried three times and it failed every time.  I do believe it was the yeast in combination with my oven :(  BUT I did make nalysnyky (crepes with a dill and cheese filling) and they were a great success!  Oh, I might have introduced the vodka shot tradition too...

My new bike!  So as I was saying about enjoying my unemployment in Melbs...this is a big part of it!  As most may know, I am participating in the Melbourne Ride to Conquer Cancer in October but I also developed a love for cycling from my Ride last year.  Life just wasn't the same without being able to cycle.  Cycling is awesome exercise, a great form of meditation at times, a great tool for networking, and just pure fun!  Cycling has brought me to some fantastic people here in Melbourne and it will definitely always be a big part of my life.

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